Tag Archives: Webinar best practices

How to Make a Webinar Email Stand Out

If you haven’t noticed, Webinar emails have become extremely formulaic: * A couple of lines of copy stating the business problem to be addressed* 3-4 bullet points summarizing the agenda or main topics* a call to action, normally accompanied a desperate plea of “don’t miss this event” It might be… Read More

Have Live Webinars Outlived their Usefulness?

Remember the days when watching your favorite TV show meant being in front of the television at a specific time on a specific day? Even for a boomer like me, those days are a distant memory. Why then, in a world of on-demand, streaming, watch-where-when-and-how-you-like content, do we B2B marketers… Read More

Marin Webinar Invitation

Why this Webinar Invitation Works

One of the real-life campaigns I included in my presentation last week – A Crash Course in B2B Email Creative – at SiriusDecisions Summit in Austin, was this Webinar invitation from Marin Software.  I’ve written often about the dismal state of B2B creative, so it’s good to see at least… Read More

Webinar Invitations

4 Simple Reasons for Why this Webinar Invitation Works

Webinars are a dime a dozen.  As a marketer, how do you make your Webinar invitations stand out from the crowd, a challenge made bigger when you’re presenting on a topic (say, GDPR) that is so commonplace as to be completely generic? The key to Webinar success, I would argue,… Read More

increase webinar response

9 Proven Ways to Increase Webinar Response

Let’s face it: most business inboxes get flooded every day with Webinar invitations. If your Webinar campaign is getting lost in the crowd, take a look at these 9 proven tips and techniques for increasing registration and attendance at online events. 1. Sell the event, not the product. A Webinar… Read More

AnyMeeting Webinar Invitation

Above the Fold Still Critical for B2B Email Design

“Above the fold” is a term that originated in the heyday of print advertising and direct mail. Generally speaking, it’s a principle of advertising design that suggests that advertisers, in order to engage the reader and drive that individual to act, should present key selling information in a location within… Read More

Eloqua Email Campaign

Email Critique: Oracle/Eloqua Webcast Invite Needs Help

The impact that Oracle’s acquisition of Eloqua will have on that company’s ability to compete effectively in the marketing automation space is fodder for debate. What is more clear, based on the Webcast invitation I received this week (below), is that it hasn’t done much for Eloqua’s own email marketing…. Read More