Category Archives: email marketing

Responsive Versus Mobile Friendly Email Design

Infographic: Mobile-Friendly vs. Responsive Email Design

As mobile devices continue their torrid growth in the business world, B2B email marketers face a dilemma: is it enough to make emails “mobile-friendly” – in a way that at least renders those emails legible and easy to read, or should they go the extra step of programming emails to… Read More

marketing reality check

Give Your Next Demand Gen Campaign A Reality Check

We’ve all been there. The copy is winding its way through the marketing group and is now on its fourth revision. The CEO didn’t like the photo at the top of the email so it’s back to the drawing board, design-wise. The marcom director wants to change the headline so… Read More

[24]7 Email Campaign_Before

Campaign Makeover: Simple Changes Increase Email Response by 25 Percent

I received an email recently from Kevin Payne, Senior Director of Field Marketing at customer service software provider [24]7. Kevin writes: “Below is one of our most successful email campaigns. We’re getting ready for a second broadcast and after reading one of your recent blog posts, I can already think… Read More

Top 10 Demand Generation Resolutions for 2014

It’s a new year, so what better time to get your demand generation strategy “in shape” for improved performance? Here are my candidates for 10 strategies that offer real potential for low risk/high reward: 1. Improve campaign measurement. Measuring opens and clicks may tell you something about email performance, but… Read More

Eloqua Email Campaign

Email Critique: Oracle/Eloqua Webcast Invite Needs Help

The impact that Oracle’s acquisition of Eloqua will have on that company’s ability to compete effectively in the marketing automation space is fodder for debate. What is more clear, based on the Webcast invitation I received this week (below), is that it hasn’t done much for Eloqua’s own email marketing…. Read More

10 Commandments of Email Copywriting

Infographic: 10 Commandments of Email Copywriting

Email copywriting is more than simply an exercise in brevity. A successful email grabs the reader, sells the offer, and closes the deal. Good email copy is engaging, personal, never boring, and focuses the reader on a single action: response. No matter what you’re selling – a white paper, a… Read More