Category Archives: Event Promotion

How to Make a Webinar Email Stand Out

If you haven’t noticed, Webinar emails have become extremely formulaic: * A couple of lines of copy stating the business problem to be addressed* 3-4 bullet points summarizing the agenda or main topics* a call to action, normally accompanied a desperate plea of “don’t miss this event” It might be… Read More

Have Live Webinars Outlived their Usefulness?

Remember the days when watching your favorite TV show meant being in front of the television at a specific time on a specific day? Even for a boomer like me, those days are a distant memory. Why then, in a world of on-demand, streaming, watch-where-when-and-how-you-like content, do we B2B marketers… Read More

Marin Webinar Invitation

Why this Webinar Invitation Works

One of the real-life campaigns I included in my presentation last week – A Crash Course in B2B Email Creative – at SiriusDecisions Summit in Austin, was this Webinar invitation from Marin Software.  I’ve written often about the dismal state of B2B creative, so it’s good to see at least… Read More

Webinar Invitations

4 Simple Reasons for Why this Webinar Invitation Works

Webinars are a dime a dozen.  As a marketer, how do you make your Webinar invitations stand out from the crowd, a challenge made bigger when you’re presenting on a topic (say, GDPR) that is so commonplace as to be completely generic? The key to Webinar success, I would argue,… Read More

LinkedIn Sponsored Updates

Why this LinkedIn Ad Works: 2 Key Tips for Success

For many B2B Marketers, advertising on LinkedIn is becoming a demand generation staple.  At our agency, we’re seeing great results across a broad swath of clients from LinkedIn Sponsored Updates in particular, at a cost per lead similar to, or sometimes better than, traditional search marketing. In addition to the… Read More

booth traffic

7 Creative Demand Gen Tactics to Drive Trade Show Booth Traffic

Even in this digital age, trade shows are still a core part of many B2B marketers’ 2017 demand generation plans. Generating maximum return from that investment, however, requires careful planning, and close attention to both pre-show and post-show communications strategy. In a previous post, I discussed key strategies for following… Read More