B2B search campaigns come with unique challenges. Learn the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

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B2B search campaigns come with unique challenges. Learn the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.
There was a not too distant time when virtually all B2B demand generation was outbound. (You millennials won’t remember this.) You rented a list and pushed your message to that list. But then inbound marketing happened. And the pundits said: no, no, the buyer is in control, he or she… Read More
In an era when the average business buyer only contacts a brand when he/she is 67 percent through the buying process, there’s every reason to make sure that you’re reaching prospective customers at every stage of their research, not just when they’re ready to buy. Otherwise, when buyers finally do… Read More
Started in 2008 as the world’s first open source video player, JW Player pioneered video on the Web and today has customers in 193 countries, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to individual bloggers. The company’s flagship product, JW Player, is live on more than 2 million sites with more than… Read More
If your Google AdWords campaign isn’t generating the type of lead volume, lead quality, or ROI that it should, it’s highly likely that the campaign is suffering from common missteps that plague many B2B paid search programs. By adhering to a few basic principles, even the most lackluster campaign can… Read More
Selective and proactive use of match types (broad, phrase, exact) is a key technique in optimizing the performance of Google AdWords™ campaigns. Unfortunately, many less experienced advertisers tend to over-use the default setting, broad match, for their campaigns, based on the faulty logic that it will generate the highest volume… Read More
The lack of an appropriate and complete tracking system is one of the most common errors, or omissions, that B2B marketers make in setting up a paid search program. It’s easy to see why. Google, for example, provides basic tracking services – impressions, clicks, cost per click – automatically and… Read More