Tag Archives: Copywriting

bad copywriting

Bad Copy is Your Campaign’s Weakest Link

In the days of Mad Men, advertising clients wouldn’t dream of writing their own copy. Advertising was about big ideas, big concepts, and crafting that story was left to the professionals. In the digital age, all that has changed. With rare exceptions, “big idea” marketing is regarded as a quaint… Read More

Assumptive Close

If You Write B2B Copy, You Need This Blog Post

Those of you who have been subjected to sales training at some point in your careers may remember a technique called “the assumptive close.” It goes something like this: “Would you like the car in red or blue?” or “Can I deliver that to you this Friday?” In theory, asking… Read More

Radian6 Email Campaign Hits the Mark

There’s a lot to like about the email below received last week from Radian6, makers of social media monitoring tools (and recently acquired by Salesforce.com.) Most notable: not once in the entire copy is the company or product mentioned. This is content marketing, pure and simple. What I like: 1…. Read More

Lipstick, Pigs & Lead Generation

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately about putting cosmetics on farm animals. Naturally, this made me think of lead generation. No connection, you say? Consider this: Most lead generation campaigns are just internal strategy or positioning statements with some stock imagery added. These internal documents, meant… Read More

Landing Page Optimization: 4 Basic Principles

Landing page optimization is a hot topic these days; indeed, whole companies have been built (and are thriving) on nothing but ensuring your landing pages generate the most registrations possible. Still, as I wrote in this previous post, most B2B marketers are still treating landing pages as an afterthought. For… Read More