Tag Archives: lead follow-up

Lead to Opportunity

9 Tips for Improving the Lead to Opportunity Process

When the sales team needs help boosting pipeline, the request of marketing is usually either: 1) more leads, or 2) better leads, or 3) a combination of the two. However, if demand generation isn’t producing the number of opportunities that the company needs, simply ramping up leads at the top… Read More

leads don't convert

4 Solutions to Consider When Marketing Leads Don’t Convert

If your organization is generating plenty of leads but those initial inquiries aren’t converting to sales qualified leads, meetings, or pipeline, a myriad of things could be at fault: 1) sales follow-up may be sub-standard in either cadence, frequency, or message 2) lead nurturing may not be doing enough to… Read More

lead nurturing inside sales

Which Comes First: Lead Nurturing or Inside Sales?

For a long time, “lead nurturing” was thought of as something you did with the leads that sales didn’t want. The theory was: leads come in, the sales team gets the hot ones, and the rest go to lead nurturing. Today, of course, a comprehensive lead nurturing strategy is much… Read More

2 step lead followup plan

A Simple 2-Step Technique for Improving Lead Follow Up

In an era when “demand generation” and “content marketing” are virtually synonymous, most B2B sales leads are the result of a prospect downloading or requesting content. However, whereas promoting marketing assets like white papers, ebooks, analyst reports, and the like is an effective way to feed the sales funnel, the… Read More

3 Keys to an Effective Autoresponder Program

Studies show that responding to new sales leads promptly, literally within minutes, can have a dramatic impact on the rate at which those leads are qualified, and the speed at which they convert to opportunities and, ultimately, deals. An effective lead follow-up strategy, therefore, is essential to ensuring that you’re… Read More

Think Your Inside Sales Team Has it Covered? Think Again.

I’ve made the case previously in this space how one of the easiest way to gain a quick return from any investment in marketing automation is to apply the technology towards more efficient and systematic follow-up to inbound leads. And yet, I’m finding in the course of our firm’s work… Read More

Is “Please Have a Rep Contact Me” a Good Idea?

A client asks: “On every registration form, we give prospects the option to request contact from a sales rep. Is that even worthwhile when we’re going to call everyone anyway? If it is a good idea, what should the verbiage be? Currently the form reads: [Yes/No radio button] I would… Read More