Tag Archives: paid search

SEM offer strategy

Expand your Offer Strategy to Increase SEM Performance

In an era when the average business buyer only contacts a brand when he/she is 67 percent through the buying process, there’s every reason to make sure that you’re reaching prospective customers at every stage of their research, not just when they’re ready to buy. Otherwise, when buyers finally do… Read More

Paid Search Tips

Failing at Paid Search? Maybe You’re Just Measuring It Wrong.

The lack of an appropriate and complete tracking system is one of the most common errors, or omissions, that B2B marketers make in setting up a paid search program. It’s easy to see why. Google, for example, provides basic tracking services – impressions, clicks, cost per click – automatically and… Read More

Ego Bidding: Why Paying for #1 Position on Google Costs You More Than You Think

In the process of managing search marketing campaigns for clients, we occasionally run into situations where client management is dictating that their company “own” certain key search terms on Google. Additionally, if that domination can’t quickly or easily be achieved through organic means (via Search Engine Optimization), then at minimum… Read More

How One SaaS Company Doubled their Lead Volume from Paid Search

What does a software company do when their paid search program is working well but just not generating enough leads? That was the issue faced by Navicure, a leading Internet-based (SaaS) medical claims clearinghouse that helps physician practices increase profitability through improved claims reimbursement and staff productivity. By most metrics,… Read More

26 Must-Have Negative Keywords for B2B PPC Campaigns

Success in paid search (PPC) is often defined as generating quality clicks and conversions at the lowest possible cost. But just as often, a successful search campaign depends as much on avoiding bad clicks as it does on generating good ones. In fact, any experienced search marketer will tell you… Read More