Tag Archives: SEM

How One SaaS Company Doubled their Lead Volume from Paid Search

What does a software company do when their paid search program is working well but just not generating enough leads? That was the issue faced by Navicure, a leading Internet-based (SaaS) medical claims clearinghouse that helps physician practices increase profitability through improved claims reimbursement and staff productivity. By most metrics,… Read More

26 Must-Have Negative Keywords for B2B PPC Campaigns

Success in paid search (PPC) is often defined as generating quality clicks and conversions at the lowest possible cost. But just as often, a successful search campaign depends as much on avoiding bad clicks as it does on generating good ones. In fact, any experienced search marketer will tell you… Read More

How to Choose the Right Offer for your PPC Landing Page

Do search campaigns demand a different approach to offer strategy compared to other demand generation programs, say emails? Answer: yes. Remember, there are two fundamental truths about someone arriving at your landing page via a search ad: 1. He/she received very little information about your company in the ad (105… Read More

Why Free Trial Offers Aren’t Always the Best Choice

There’s a great article (and not just because I’m quoted) in this week’s Demand Generation Report describing how marketers are actively seeking alternatives to the free trial offer. As I say in the article, free trials have become popular – too popular, in my opinion – as offers, because they’re… Read More

5 Reasons to Include Branded Terms in Your Paid Search Campaign

A client writes: “If we include our company and product names as keywords in our PPC (paid search) campaign, won’t we simply be cannibalizing our SEO effort, i.e. paying for clicks that we otherwise would have generated for free?” Answer: It’s true that you may have generated Web traffic from… Read More

How Do I Use SEM If People Aren’t Searching For What I Do?

This issue comes up a lot with tech clients whose products don’t fit neatly into defined or established categories. A client writes (details changed to preserve confidentiality): “Our product is on demand health & wellness software for small businesses and we’re promoting it as a tool for improving productivity, claims… Read More

Google/TechTarget Study Shows How IT Buyers Use Search

Too often, B2B technology companies fall into the trap of using search advertising (SEM) primarily as a means of capturing prospects in the latter stages of the sales cycle, i.e. those potential buyers actively shopping for a solution. However, search advertising needn’t just be about finding people ready to buy… Read More