Author Archives: Howard Sewell

12 Tips for Keeping Your Marketing Automation System Clean

Marketing operations managers tend to come and go (average tenure mirrors other B2B marketing roles at 2-4 years, especially in tech) and that transitory nature means that it’s more difficult – and less common – for companies to adopt a strategic, long-term vision for their marketing automation system.  One of… Read More

marketing copy

AI & the Devaluation of Marketing Copy

Can AI write marketing copy?  Even the most hardened AI skeptic would have to admit: yes, it can.  The follow-on question, naturally, is whether AI-generated copy is any good.  Today, that would appear to depend on 1) who’s at the controls, and 2) what kind of copy AI is writing. … Read More

B2B content consumption

New Report: Key Trends in B2B Content Consumption

The lead generation experts at NetLine just released their “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption & Demand Report,” a meaty 38-page guide based on data from more than 6 million content registrations.  Here are the findings that stand out as potentially having the most significance for demand marketers: According to… Read More

How to Make a Webinar Email Stand Out

If you haven’t noticed, Webinar emails have become extremely formulaic: * A couple of lines of copy stating the business problem to be addressed* 3-4 bullet points summarizing the agenda or main topics* a call to action, normally accompanied a desperate plea of “don’t miss this event” It might be… Read More

survey reports

Why Survey Reports Should be Part of Your Content Plan

At a time when marketing budgets are tightening, surveys and survey reports represent some of the most compelling and cost-effective content a B2B marketer can produce.  Why?  Because a well-crafted survey does all this and more: * builds thought leadership for your brand and helps establish your company as subject… Read More

partner recruitment

The 2 Most Common Mistakes in Partner Recruitment Campaigns

Like many B2B marketing agencies, even though we’re a professional services business and don’t sell or re-sell technology, our firm gets marketed to regularly by companies looking to recruit us as a channel partner. Most of these pitches inevitably revolve around the functionality of the product or solution in question… Read More

deliverability rules

The Impact of New Google & Yahoo Deliverability Rules on Purchased Lists

A client asks: “We recently purchased a list of email addresses from a reputable vendor for use in a campaign targeting competitive installations.  Do the new Google/Yahoo deliverability rules make using a third-party list too risky?  How should we approach the campaign differently?” My response: First, whereas the new rules… Read More