Category Archives: Campaign Strategy

Top10 B2B Paid Search Mistakes

Infographic: Top 10 B2B Paid Search Mistakes

If your Google AdWords campaign isn’t generating the type of lead volume, lead quality, or ROI that it should, it’s highly likely that the campaign is suffering from common missteps that plague many B2B paid search programs. By adhering to a few basic principles, even the most lackluster campaign can… Read More

increase webinar response

9 Proven Ways to Increase Webinar Response

Let’s face it: most business inboxes get flooded every day with Webinar invitations. If your Webinar campaign is getting lost in the crowd, take a look at these 9 proven tips and techniques for increasing registration and attendance at online events. 1. Sell the event, not the product. A Webinar… Read More

successful survey campaigns

5 Tips for Successful Survey Campaigns

I’ve been working in B2B marketing long enough to remember when Webinars first burst onto the scene as a lead generation device. At first, the concept of “online seminars” was so novel that the topic of the event barely mattered. However, very quickly, Webinars became so popular that B2B audiences… Read More

BDR campaigns

Step Away from the Email Software and No-One Gets Hurt

Marketing technology is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and nowhere is this more evident than in the recent surge of interest in automating BDR campaigns and other sales communication. In both technology (see companies like, ToutApp, and others) and application, sales enablement is a hot topic in… Read More