Category Archives: Database Marketing

10 Questions: Do You Need Marketing Automation?

A couple of weeks ago our firm prepared a detailed ROI analysis for a client helping them substantiate to their management the investment in a marketing automation platform. In this particular instance, the numbers were relatively clear-cut. Fortunately, and to the client’s credit, they had firm metrics for each stage… Read More

Tempted to Do Away With Registration Forms? Think Again.

A client asks: “Now that we have our marketing automation system in place, is it really necessary to use registration forms in our lead nurturing (follow-up) campaigns? After all, we already know who these people are, correct? If we offer them direct access to the content assets, we can still… Read More

TechValidate: Marketing Content that Writes Itself

What single hurdle keeps B2B marketers from achieving the best possible results from inbound marketing, social media, and lead nurturing? It’s content. (Or rather, it’s LACK of content.) Without a consistent stream of compelling, original, relevant information to offer, landing pages fail to convert visitors to leads, blogs wither, and… Read More

Lead Gen: Don’t Go for the Quick Sale

Here’s an interesting post by Mike Damphousse of Green Leads that I found through Funnelholic (thanks Craig) on how lead nurturing impacts the effectiveness of calling campaigns designed to secure qualified sales appointments. The conclusion, not surprisingly: that prospects who have been nurtured over time are much more likely (by… Read More

How Often Should I Email My Database?

A client writes: “What’s best practice in terms of how many times per month you hit each key contact in your database?” This is becoming a common question, driven in part by the trend in B2B towards more proactive lead nurturing and the rapid adoption of marketing automation systems. Suddenly,… Read More