Category Archives: Demand Generation

Lead to Opportunity

9 Tips for Improving the Lead to Opportunity Process

When the sales team needs help boosting pipeline, the request of marketing is usually either: 1) more leads, or 2) better leads, or 3) a combination of the two. However, if demand generation isn’t producing the number of opportunities that the company needs, simply ramping up leads at the top… Read More

Nurture Programs

Why Nurture Programs Aren’t Just About Converting Leads

Even in an era of ABM, intent data, and AI-driven marketing, lead nurturing still has an essential role to play in helping B2B marketers drive revenue and maximize the ROI from their demand generation efforts.  As long as companies continue to generate in-profile leads (right person, right company) that aren’t… Read More

How to Make a Webinar Email Stand Out

If you haven’t noticed, Webinar emails have become extremely formulaic: * A couple of lines of copy stating the business problem to be addressed* 3-4 bullet points summarizing the agenda or main topics* a call to action, normally accompanied a desperate plea of “don’t miss this event” It might be… Read More

8 Tips for Working with a Smaller Marketing Budget

When a marketing budget get cut, certain line items tend to get immediate scrutiny: media spend, headcount, events. However, simply slashing spend – while quick and dramatic – can have a detrimental effect on leads, pipeline, and revenue. There are more creative methods for achieving marketing efficiency without sacrificing ad… Read More

demand gen budget

How to Calculate Demand Gen Budget: A Rough Guide

Budgeting season is here again, and demand marketers are not immune.  How big does your demand gen budget need to be in order to support your organization’s revenue goals in the new year?  Alternatively, is the budget you’ve been handed enough to do the job? Based on the work we… Read More

PESO model

The PESO Model & Your Demand Generation Strategy

Public relations pros have been using the PESO Model for years by integrating Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media strategies into a single campaign, to better establish authority, amplify reach, and improve results.  Can PESO do the same for demand generation? Gini Dietrich originally introduced the PESO Model in her… Read More

Have Live Webinars Outlived their Usefulness?

Remember the days when watching your favorite TV show meant being in front of the television at a specific time on a specific day? Even for a boomer like me, those days are a distant memory. Why then, in a world of on-demand, streaming, watch-where-when-and-how-you-like content, do we B2B marketers… Read More