Category Archives: Demand Generation

A Really Useful B2B Marketing Benchmark Report from Optify

You see a lot of so-called “benchmark reports” in B2B marketing circles, and most of them are, well: complete rubbish. The reason many of these reports are worthless, in my view, is that they’re based on non-randomized surveys, and thus the results are influenced heavily by who chooses to respond…. Read More

3 Demand Generation Goals to Avoid in 2013

1. Launch a lead nurturing program. Don’t get me wrong: lead nurturing is a worthy investment for most companies, but making lead nurturing a goal for the new year is akin to saying you want to do more marketing. It just means too many things to different people. Lead nurturing… Read More

3 Models for Gating Lead Generation Content on Your Website

Ask a group of B2B marketers whether their Websites’ lead generation content (white papers, archived Webinars, case studies, videos, etc.) should be gated or not, and you’re likely to hear a wide range of opinions. At one end of the spectrum, there are those that believe gating Web content is… Read More

B2B Display Ads with Demographic Targeting: Why Doesn’t Google Do This?

Earlier this week, San Francisco-based Demandbase announced its “Company Targeted Advertising,” a new platform that allows B2B marketers to target online display advertising either to specific companies (by name) or those that meet specific corporate attributes (company size for example, or vertical industries). The introduction follows on the heels of… Read More

What Lead Filters Should I Request For My PPL Campaign?

A client asks: “I know I can filter our Pay-Per-Lead (content syndication) leads on geography and company size. What if I want to filter to specific regions or states? Can I also limit leads to certain job titles?” My response: To best answer the question, let’s discuss what lead filters… Read More