Category Archives: Inbound marketing

A Really Useful B2B Marketing Benchmark Report from Optify

You see a lot of so-called “benchmark reports” in B2B marketing circles, and most of them are, well: complete rubbish. The reason many of these reports are worthless, in my view, is that they’re based on non-randomized surveys, and thus the results are influenced heavily by who chooses to respond…. Read More

What Lead Filters Should I Request For My PPL Campaign?

A client asks: “I know I can filter our Pay-Per-Lead (content syndication) leads on geography and company size. What if I want to filter to specific regions or states? Can I also limit leads to certain job titles?” My response: To best answer the question, let’s discuss what lead filters… Read More

7 Tips for a Successful PPC Landing Page

Where do most paid search (PPC) campaigns succeed or fail? Though it’s typical for marketers to invest more time and legwork in the mechanics of search (keywords, bid strategy, campaign structure), I’d argue that the majority of PPC campaigns are won or lost at the close: the landing page. The… Read More

5 Creative Ways to Make Your White Paper Irresistible

“Always show an image of the offer.” It’s a rule I quote often, one repeated to me ad nauseum many years ago by an early mentor and long-time direct marketing veteran. The logic: whatever it is you want your reader to download, request, order, or register for, a visual image… Read More

Dialogue Marketing: A Conversation with Maria Pergolino

Late last year at the Dreamforce conference in San Francisco I was fortunate enough to chat with Maria Pergolino, Marketing Director at Marketo (and renowned Content Marketing Queen.) In an engaging 15-minute discussion, we touched upon topics including: • striking the balance between demand generation and lead nurturing • how… Read More

Podcast (Part 2): Does Inbound Marketing Make Sense For Your Company?

In part 2 of my podcast with Steve Farnsworth of Jolt Social Media, we discuss the shift from outbound to inbound marketing: what works and why. In under 10 minutes, you’ll learn: • the most effective demand generation vehicles in today’s digital environment • inbound or outbound – what makes… Read More

Gmail Priority Inbox: the Death Knell for Email as Lead Generation?

This month, Google released a new feature called Priority Inbox, designed to help Gmail users better cope with email overload by automatically determining which emails are most important to the recipient. For example, messages sent from people that you typically respond to immediately will receive special attention and preferential placement,… Read More