Category Archives: lead generation

B2B Content Preferences

8 Key Takeaways from New Survey on B2B Content Preferences

The team at Demand Gen Report just released their 2018 Content Preferences Survey Report (free download, registration required), yielding fresh insights – and a few surprises – on the types of content today’s B2B buyers prefer, and why.  The report is a useful resource for B2B marketers planning content development… Read More

demand generation tips

5 Demand Generation Tips for Start-Ups

In a recent article on LinkedIn that I highly recommend for any tech entrepreneur, Jason Seeba and Ashu Garg spell out the key priorities, milestones, and pitfalls for early-stage companies seeking to acquire customers.  In “The Startup’s Guide to Demand Generation: From Your First 10 Customers to Your Next 1,000,”… Read More

hot sales leads

I Need Hot Leads, and I Need Them Now

When you work primarily with high-tech clients, you learn to cope with a great deal of short-term thinking.  Tech companies have short-term horizons for a number of reasons: * Many are private and depend on short term results to prove viability and therefore ensure their ongoing funding * Many are… Read More

demand generation priorities

This Year, Tackle These 3 Demand Generation Priorities First

After more than two decades in the agency business, I’ve seen dozens of clients and hundreds of campaigns succeed and fail. Sometimes great people, a great product, or pure market demand can cover up all sorts of marketing sins, but more often the clients who succeed consistently at demand generation… Read More

pre-qualified leads

Beware the Siren Call of Pre-Qualified Leads

There is a growing trend in the content syndication space, and among Cost Per Lead (CPL) programs in general, for media vendors to offer B2B clients the option of pre-qualified leads. Whereas typically, content syndication has meant acquiring leads, at a fixed cost, that are filtered by criteria such as… Read More