Category Archives: Lead Management

Marketo Definitive Guide to Marketing Automation

How to Sell Marketing Automation to Your CEO (& Other Burning Questions)

Recently I was asked to contribute some thoughts to Marketo’s new ebook, “The Definitive Guide to Marketing Automation.” You can download a free copy of the ebook – 100 pages on everything you need to know about marketing automation – what it is, how it’s different from CRM, common features,… Read More

Taking Stock of Your Lead Management Process: 5 Key Questions

Key to designing an effective lead nurturing program is taking stock of your current lead management process. By asking the right questions, you’ll not only uncover additional opportunities for improvement, but the information will play a key role in defining critical issues of workflow – for example: segmentation, frequency, and… Read More

3 Demand Generation Goals to Avoid in 2013

1. Launch a lead nurturing program. Don’t get me wrong: lead nurturing is a worthy investment for most companies, but making lead nurturing a goal for the new year is akin to saying you want to do more marketing. It just means too many things to different people. Lead nurturing… Read More

How Good Content can Help Improve Database Health

According to business information provider ZoomInfo (see graphic below, further data here), more than 70 percent of business cards have one or more changes during a 12-month period. The most common changes (in order): job function, phone number, and mailing address. Even while fewer than 30 percent of contacts on… Read More

Converting Trial & Freemium Users: Keep Selling Post-Trial

Lead nurturing programs designed to convert trial users tend to focus, as they should, on the very front end of the trial period, when it’s critical to make sure the user is fully engaged with the product being tested. However, that doesn’t mean that your nurturing program should end just… Read More