We need to talk. You know that monthly newsletter you blast to your entire database under the guise of “lead nurturing”? And those Webinar invitations that you broadcast to every trade show lead you’ve generated since 2005? You can do a lot better. There was a time when lead nurturing… Read More
Category Archives: Lead Management
Why Chasing Hot Leads is a Bad Idea
In an ideal world, all B2B sales leads would be pre-qualified and ready to buy. And though recent studies suggest that a large chunk of the sales cycle may already be over by the time many prospects talk to a live salesperson, the reality is that inbound sales leads will… Read More
Do Lead Nurturing Campaigns Always Need an Offer?
In my last post, I talked about creative campaign ideas for when you have no content to offer. Which leads to another question: do certain types of campaigns even need an offer in the first place? Take lead nurturing: is it strictly essential that every lead nurturing touch include a… Read More
5 Campaign Ideas for When You Have No Content
For today’s B2B marketer, content is the fuel that feeds the demand generation engine. But when lead generation, lead nurturing, customer marketing and social media programs all require a constant feeding of new, compelling content, what do you do when the pace of new programs outstrips your ability to generate… Read More
New Report Confirms Immaturity of Most Marketing Automation Deployments
A new report from Forrester Consulting, commissioned by marketing automation provider Silverpop, offers little in the way of groundbreaking insights, but does provide plenty of data confirming what most already know: that many companies are failing to realize the true potential from their investments in marketing automation. In the report,… Read More
How to Reduce Unsubscribes Using Subscription Management
I’ve written previously in this space about how to reduce unsubscribes by giving prospects and customers the option to update their contact information rather than forcing them to opt out of email entirely. A further strategy for minimizing unsubscribes is to employ subscription management, a technique in which you, as… Read More
Think Your Inside Sales Team Has it Covered? Think Again.
I’ve made the case previously in this space how one of the easiest way to gain a quick return from any investment in marketing automation is to apply the technology towards more efficient and systematic follow-up to inbound leads. And yet, I’m finding in the course of our firm’s work… Read More