Category Archives: Marketing Agencies

data privacy checklist

A Data Privacy Checklist for Email Marketers

Data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA may have faded from the headlines, but their enforcement is very much a reality.  In recent years, some very high-profile companies have faced fines into the hundreds of millions (US $) for failure to meet legal guidelines involving data processing, consumer consent, and… Read More

partner recruitment

The 2 Most Common Mistakes in Partner Recruitment Campaigns

Like many B2B marketing agencies, even though we’re a professional services business and don’t sell or re-sell technology, our firm gets marketed to regularly by companies looking to recruit us as a channel partner. Most of these pitches inevitably revolve around the functionality of the product or solution in question… Read More

creative brief

10 Must-Haves for Your Next Creative Brief

A good creative brief is the foundation for an effective marketing campaign. In the face of deadlines, however, and at the normal, torrid pace of modern marketing, creative briefs are often viewed as an extra step, an annoyance, and an unnecessary obstacle to getting content in market. Why are briefs… Read More

demand gen budget

How to Calculate Demand Gen Budget: A Rough Guide

Budgeting season is here again, and demand marketers are not immune.  How big does your demand gen budget need to be in order to support your organization’s revenue goals in the new year?  Alternatively, is the budget you’ve been handed enough to do the job? Based on the work we… Read More

PESO model

The PESO Model & Your Demand Generation Strategy

Public relations pros have been using the PESO Model for years by integrating Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media strategies into a single campaign, to better establish authority, amplify reach, and improve results.  Can PESO do the same for demand generation? Gini Dietrich originally introduced the PESO Model in her… Read More

The Dangerous Allure of World-Class Marketing

Just as too much time on Instagram fawning after the photoshopped lives of internet influencers can create an unhealthy self-image, marketers too can fall victim to unrealistic standards and FOMO created by the marketing blogosphere and the breathy propaganda of martech vendors. Trust me: not all marketing campaigns perform at… Read More

Marketing Success & the Accident of Timing

An old boss once commented: “75% of marketing is just being in the right place at the right time.” You can quibble with the percentage, but, overall, she had a point.  For more companies than not, marketing success is rarely about convincing a given individual, on a given day, to… Read More