Category Archives: Sales 2.0

3 Models for Gating Lead Generation Content on Your Website

Ask a group of B2B marketers whether their Websites’ lead generation content (white papers, archived Webinars, case studies, videos, etc.) should be gated or not, and you’re likely to hear a wide range of opinions. At one end of the spectrum, there are those that believe gating Web content is… Read More

The New B2B Buyer Dialog: A Conversation with Kathleen Schaub

Most B2B companies will readily acknowledge how much the Web has transformed the way they market their product or service, most visibly in the form of vehicles like search, content marketing, social media, and lead management. Fewer companies, however, can claim to have adapted their sales process as readily. Kathleen… Read More

3 Reasons to Add Email to Your Lead Follow-Up Process

A client writes: “I notice you recommend both email AND phone follow-up to inbound leads from programs like content syndication. Our inside sales reps are fairly prompt about following up with all leads by phone. Why do I need to set up automated email response as well?” My response: Most… Read More