Category Archives: Uncategorized

3 Reasons to Add Email to Your Lead Follow-Up Process

A client writes: “I notice you recommend both email AND phone follow-up to inbound leads from programs like content syndication. Our inside sales reps are fairly prompt about following up with all leads by phone. Why do I need to set up automated email response as well?” My response: Most… Read More

Gmail Priority Inbox: the Death Knell for Email as Lead Generation?

This month, Google released a new feature called Priority Inbox, designed to help Gmail users better cope with email overload by automatically determining which emails are most important to the recipient. For example, messages sent from people that you typically respond to immediately will receive special attention and preferential placement,… Read More

If Lead Nurturing is the Question, is Software the Answer?

I was reminded today of just how successful the marketing automation vendors have been (to their credit, it must be said) in defining their solutions as the answer to today’s marketing problems. That conclusion was prompted by this question, posed on Focus: “We want to start doing more lead nurturing… Read More

Welcome to The Point

If this is your first visit to the blog, welcome. If you’re a regular reader of my old blog, you may be asking (literally): What’s The Point? Here’s the news: the blog has moved to a new location and re-launched with a new name because I’ve also moved, to a… Read More

When Ugly Works

Here’s a banner ad that caught my eye recently: Oh sure, it’s ugly. There’s virtually no “concept” to speak of, or even design for that matter. However, what Hoovers have accomplished is a very effective illustration of “sell the offer, not the product.” (An article I wrote almost 10 years… Read More

Can a Campaign Be Too Targeted?

It’s a generally accepted tenet of direct response marketing that the more targeted your campaign, the more successful that campaign is likely to be. There are circumstances, however, when too precise a target audience can actually work against you and force you to make compromises that jeopardize the ultimate ROI… Read More

Benchmarks, We Got Benchmarks

In a recent article for BtoB Magazine, John Neeson of marketing and sales consultancy Sirius Decisions provides some planning benchmarks that are often sought by clients but tough to come by, namely: what percentage of revenue should be directly attributable to marketing? and what should my close ratio (qualified leads… Read More