Tag Archives: b2b creative

marketing copy

AI & the Devaluation of Marketing Copy

Can AI write marketing copy?  Even the most hardened AI skeptic would have to admit: yes, it can.  The follow-on question, naturally, is whether AI-generated copy is any good.  Today, that would appear to depend on 1) who’s at the controls, and 2) what kind of copy AI is writing. … Read More

creative brief

10 Must-Haves for Your Next Creative Brief

A good creative brief is the foundation for an effective marketing campaign. In the face of deadlines, however, and at the normal, torrid pace of modern marketing, creative briefs are often viewed as an extra step, an annoyance, and an unnecessary obstacle to getting content in market. Why are briefs… Read More

Surprise: Most B2B Advertising Isn’t Good. Or Is It?

A recent report by LinkedIn and research agency System1 found that the bulk of B2B advertising is ineffective.  I’ve written elsewhere in this space about the sorry state of B2B creative in general, so the headline came as no surprise.  What was surprising, however, was the criteria by which the… Read More

B2B Creative

Why is No-One Talking About B2B Creative?

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the B2B Marketing Exchange (B2BMX) conference on the topic of B2B email creative.  At a conference of more than sixty sessions (by my count), as best I could determine there was exactly one (1) session on anything to do with creative:… Read More

words to avoid

B2B Copywriting: 5 Common Terms & Phrases to Avoid

Copywriting success may depend on finding the precise mix of language that resonates with your audience, but success or failure can just as easily rest on which words you don’t use. Here are my candidates for 5 common terms and phrases that every B2B writer should eliminate from his/her vocabulary:… Read More

Data Content Creative

Does Creative Still Matter in B2B Marketing?

At Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit last month in San Francisco, there was much talk about the shifting function of marketing towards a more strategic, data-driven role within the modern corporation. You see similar sentiments echoed throughout the marketing press. Marketers are no longer the “arts and crafts” people, we’re told…. Read More