Tag Archives: b2b demand generation

Why Free Trial Offers Aren’t Always the Best Choice

There’s a great article (and not just because I’m quoted) in this week’s Demand Generation Report describing how marketers are actively seeking alternatives to the free trial offer. As I say in the article, free trials have become popular – too popular, in my opinion – as offers, because they’re… Read More

Novell Webinar Invitation Needs a New Approach

As I have often lectured in this space, much of what makes for an effective email has less to do with deliverability, mobile compatibility, social media functionality, and all the technical bells and whistles that most people fret about, and more about basic direct response principles such as a strong… Read More

Demandbase: Converting More Web Visitors into Leads

An average conversion rate for a B2B landing page, if you believe the people who claim to measure such things, is around 4 percent. Conversion rates for organic traffic to a corporate Website may be as high as 10 percent or more. But even at those lofty standards, fully 90… Read More

Using Surveys for Fun & Profit

Many years ago, I wrote an article for an industry newsletter on the merits of using surveys as a lead generation vehicle. Today, almost a decade later, surveys are still an effective way to generate leads from a cold list, but in addition, they can also serve as a key… Read More

7 Ways to Change Your Demand Gen Strategy in 2009

Check out another great article from DemandGen Report (and not just because I’m quoted) on how B2B marketers should adapt their demand generation strategy to the new economic climate. Key takeaways: * Focus media strategy on finding the people who are buying now * Craft offers that mitigate risk for… Read More

Social Media & B2B Demand Generation

At CDI, a question we get asked often these days is: What are you doing in social media? Perhaps a better question might be: What do social media have to do with demand generation? The answer is: plenty, but perhaps not in the way you’d think. As a most basic… Read More