Tag Archives: Content marketing

5 Campaign Ideas for When You Have No Content

For today’s B2B marketer, content is the fuel that feeds the demand generation engine. But when lead generation, lead nurturing, customer marketing and social media programs all require a constant feeding of new, compelling content, what do you do when the pace of new programs outstrips your ability to generate… Read More

How to Optimize Your Website’s Resource Library for Lead Generation

A well-designed resource library can be a key factor in converting Website visitors to measurable, actionable sales leads. Conversely, a poorly designed resource library is where old white papers go to die. At worst, resource centers can be tough to navigate and difficult to search, leaving visitors frustrated and only… Read More

Information Kits: Packaging Offer Content for Higher Response

For most B2B marketers, information offers like white papers, case studies, and analyst reports strike an effective balance between response rate and lead qualification. Compared to a Webinar, for example, they require little time and commitment on the part of the prospect, yet if written, titled, and positioned carefully, can… Read More

Radian6 Email Campaign Hits the Mark

There’s a lot to like about the email below received last week from Radian6, makers of social media monitoring tools (and recently acquired by Salesforce.com.) Most notable: not once in the entire copy is the company or product mentioned. This is content marketing, pure and simple. What I like: 1…. Read More

Why Salespeople Hate Most White Paper Leads

How is it that a quality white paper on a hot topic can still generate bad leads? It’s got to be the media, right? Wrong. It’s the offer. Even a well-written white paper, by a respected author, on a hot topic of vital interest to your target audience, can still… Read More

Should I Remove Offer Content from My Website if It’s Part of a Campaign?

A client asks: “If we’re offering a white paper as part of an upcoming campaign, should we remove it from our Website for the duration, especially if it’s ungated?” As demand generation marketers, no matter how skillfully we construct a clear, unambiguous, unfettered path to our precious content, some prospects… Read More

Sample Outline for a Lead Generation White Paper

Dollar for dollar, white papers continue to be some of the most effective offers for most high-technology marketers. Prospects are usually more likely to download or otherwise register for a white paper vs. a Webinar, free trial, etc. because 1) the time commitment is minimal, and 2) white papers are… Read More