Tag Archives: Demand Generation

Has Content Marketing Made Branding Obsolete?

Confession: as a died-in-the-wool direct marketer, I am a branding cynic. My general attitude towards branding is summed up in the old maxim: “Branding is what your agency calls your campaign when they can’t measure it.” Now that’s not to say that a brand isn’t real, for some. Starbucks is… Read More

B2B Display Ads with Demographic Targeting: Why Doesn’t Google Do This?

Earlier this week, San Francisco-based Demandbase announced its “Company Targeted Advertising,” a new platform that allows B2B marketers to target online display advertising either to specific companies (by name) or those that meet specific corporate attributes (company size for example, or vertical industries). The introduction follows on the heels of… Read More

Does Your Email Campaign Make a Case for Action?

If there’s one key element of demand generation copy that distinguishes it most from, let’s say: product collateral, or PR, or even social media, it’s this: a demand generation campaign is designed to drive action. In more basic terms, demand generation is about getting people to do stuff – namely,… Read More

What Lead Filters Should I Request For My PPL Campaign?

A client asks: “I know I can filter our Pay-Per-Lead (content syndication) leads on geography and company size. What if I want to filter to specific regions or states? Can I also limit leads to certain job titles?” My response: To best answer the question, let’s discuss what lead filters… Read More

9 Ideas (and 1 Big Lesson) from the Marketo Social Marketing Roadshow

Last week I attended (and was a presenter at) the Seattle edition of Marketo’s Social Marketing Rockstar Tour, a roving conference/seminar series being held this summer in cities nationwide. Marketo bills the event as an opportunity to hear, learn, and share advice on B2B social media marketing strategy. Based on… Read More

5 Campaign Ideas for When You Have No Content

For today’s B2B marketer, content is the fuel that feeds the demand generation engine. But when lead generation, lead nurturing, customer marketing and social media programs all require a constant feeding of new, compelling content, what do you do when the pace of new programs outstrips your ability to generate… Read More

MobileIron Harnesses End-User Demand to Drive Mobile IT Sales Leads

If end users want your product, but their IT department makes the purchase decision, can you leverage that demand to drive IT sales leads? That was the question contemplated by the marketing team at MobileIron, a leading provider of mobile device management technology. MobileIron’s software solution is a prime enabler… Read More