Tag Archives: lead nurturing strategy

lead nurturing inside sales

Which Comes First: Lead Nurturing or Inside Sales?

For a long time, “lead nurturing” was thought of as something you did with the leads that sales didn’t want. The theory was: leads come in, the sales team gets the hot ones, and the rest go to lead nurturing. Today, of course, a comprehensive lead nurturing strategy is much… Read More

Sungard AS brand transition campaign

Case Study: How One Tech Company Used Humor to Launch a New Brand

In early 2014, Sungard Availability Services (Sungard AS), a leading provider of managed IT, cloud, and recovery services, announced that it was splitting off as a separate company from SunGard Data Systems Inc. Sungard AS asked its demand generation agency, Spear Marketing Group, to help introduce business prospects within the… Read More

Inside Sales & Lead Nurturing

Why is Inside Sales So Scared of Lead Nurturing?

Recent studies tell us that while the adoption of marketing automation technology continues to gain momentum, fewer than 20 percent of marketing executives say that they are fully integrating the technology into their current sales and marketing initiatives. One of the reasons for this under-utilization, and the inability of some… Read More

Top 10 Demand Generation Resolutions for 2014

It’s a new year, so what better time to get your demand generation strategy “in shape” for improved performance? Here are my candidates for 10 strategies that offer real potential for low risk/high reward: 1. Improve campaign measurement. Measuring opens and clicks may tell you something about email performance, but… Read More

old-fashioned lead nurturing

Do You Need Marketing Automation to Do Lead Nurturing? Sort Of.

A prospective client asks: “We’re just getting our demand generation programs ramped up, and I’m not sure I’m ready for marketing automation. Do I need it in order to do lead nurturing?” My answer: “It depends how you define “lead nurturing,” but technically: no, you don’t need marketing automation in… Read More

10 Tips for Driving Lead Nurturing Success

10 Tips for Driving Lead Nurturing Success (Infographic)

When B2B companies invest in marketing automation technology, “lead nurturing” is often one of the key business objectives that spurs those organizations to take the plunge. Yet, upon deploying a new marketing automation platform, effective lead nurturing can often take months to take shape, longer still to provide the kind… Read More

If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be a Webinar Invitation

A client writes: I attended a Webinar recently at which one of the speakers prescribed scheduling lead nurturing emails on different days of the week – for example: newsletters on Mondays, product announcements on Tuesdays, Webinar invitations on Wednesdays, etc. He claimed this was an effective way to avoid campaign… Read More