Category Archives: B2B Marketing

lead nurturing inside sales

Which Comes First: Lead Nurturing or Inside Sales?

For a long time, “lead nurturing” was thought of as something you did with the leads that sales didn’t want. The theory was: leads come in, the sales team gets the hot ones, and the rest go to lead nurturing. Today, of course, a comprehensive lead nurturing strategy is much… Read More

JW Player Logo

Video Tech Company Leverages SEM to Drive Enterprise Leads

Started in 2008 as the world’s first open source video player, JW Player pioneered video on the Web and today has customers in 193 countries, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to individual bloggers. The company’s flagship product, JW Player, is live on more than 2 million sites with more than… Read More

demand generation content

Infographic: Top 10 Types of Demand Generation Content

Choosing the right content offer for a demand generation campaign isn’t simply about aligning that content with a particular buying persona. Some content types are best-suited for early stage offers, while others will only appeal to those buyers in the very latter stages of the buying cycle. Whether you’re focused… Read More

B2B email campaign

Winning B2B Email Campaign Keeps it Simple

In B2B email marketing, does short copy always win over long? Not necessarily. The answer depends on your audience, the complexity of your message, and how well the copy maintains the reader’s interest and drives action. You won’t see or find many shorter B2B emails than the one below from… Read More

outsource marketing

When & Where Should B2B Companies Outsource Marketing?

The following is an excerpt from an interview I conducted recently with the folks at TechnologyAdvice, a leading online provider of information resources to help IT professionals make informed buying decisions. For the complete interview, see the TechnologyAdvice marketing blog. Reposted with permission. (TA) Marketers tend to think of outsourcing… Read More