Category Archives: B2B Marketing

Key to Marketing Automation Success: Process First, then Campaigns

In a phone call this week I was swapping war stories with a well-known sales and marketing consultant, who, like us, works with B2B companies to improve their return on marketing automation. Interestingly, our experiences in the rapidly evolving marketing automation category were quite common, especially in one area: A… Read More

7 Tips for a Successful PPC Landing Page

Where do most paid search (PPC) campaigns succeed or fail? Though it’s typical for marketers to invest more time and legwork in the mechanics of search (keywords, bid strategy, campaign structure), I’d argue that the majority of PPC campaigns are won or lost at the close: the landing page. The… Read More

5 Best Practices You Can Borrow From This Email Campaign

There’s a lot to like about the email campaign I received (image below) recently from Infusionsoft, a maker of sales and marketing automation software for small businesses. It’s not perfect by any stretch (the copy could use some improvement – more on that later) but many of the techniques on… Read More

How to Optimize Your Website’s Resource Library for Lead Generation

A well-designed resource library can be a key factor in converting Website visitors to measurable, actionable sales leads. Conversely, a poorly designed resource library is where old white papers go to die. At worst, resource centers can be tough to navigate and difficult to search, leaving visitors frustrated and only… Read More

Information Kits: Packaging Offer Content for Higher Response

For most B2B marketers, information offers like white papers, case studies, and analyst reports strike an effective balance between response rate and lead qualification. Compared to a Webinar, for example, they require little time and commitment on the part of the prospect, yet if written, titled, and positioned carefully, can… Read More

Best B2B Holiday Card of the Year?

Like any company this time of year, when we send out holiday cards to customers, friends, and partners we hope to show our appreciation to the people that make our work possible and also spread a little cheer along the way. But never did we expect our card to be… Read More

Email Lists: Should You Rent or Buy?

It was only a few years ago that I would have told any client who asked (and many did) that it was never a good idea to purchase an email list, and that moreover, any list of email addresses that was available for purchase was by definition compiled through nefarious… Read More