Category Archives: Campaign Planning

Does a Demo Ever Make Sense as a Demand Generation Offer?

Anecdotally, I’ve been noticing a minor trend in technology marketing circles of late – namely, that a high percentage of demand generation campaigns seem to be presenting a product demo as the primary offer. Worse yet, I fear the condition (let’s call it “demo-itis”) may be contagious. It’s easy to… Read More

Why & How to Test Subject Lines on Your Next Email Campaign

If you took a poll of B2B marketers (see below), my guess would be that only a small percentage test email subject lines with any regularity. The usual excuses given are 1) time and 2) risk – first, that testing subject lines adds one more step to the development of… Read More

If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be a Webinar Invitation

A client writes: I attended a Webinar recently at which one of the speakers prescribed scheduling lead nurturing emails on different days of the week – for example: newsletters on Mondays, product announcements on Tuesdays, Webinar invitations on Wednesdays, etc. He claimed this was an effective way to avoid campaign… Read More

New Report Confirms Immaturity of Most Marketing Automation Deployments

A new report from Forrester Consulting, commissioned by marketing automation provider Silverpop, offers little in the way of groundbreaking insights, but does provide plenty of data confirming what most already know: that many companies are failing to realize the true potential from their investments in marketing automation. In the report,… Read More

11 Questions to Help Evaluate Your Demand Generation Plan

Jon Miller at Marketo wrote an interesting post (“Demand Generation Quiz: How Good Are You?”) for his blog this week that featured 14 questions designed to help determine whether a company is ripe for marketing automation. There’s some great material here, particularly for marketers trying to build a business case… Read More