Category Archives: Campaign Strategy

10 Things to Do When Marketing Spend is On Hold

There’s plenty of debate online about the merits of marketing spend in a recession, but the reality is that many B2B firms are currently cutting back on large-scale investment.  If your company is one of those scaling back or even hitting “pause” on external spend, there are still plenty of… Read More

challenging times

How to Approach Demand Gen in Challenging Times

The US business climate is being shaken by events at home and abroad, and (as I write this) no-one knows with certainty – on top of the risk and strain caused by a global pandemic – whether an economic downturn is imminent, or how severe it might be, and for… Read More

marketing automation

Why Is Marketing Automation Maturity Still Woeful?

Almost 5 years ago, our agency conducted a survey to determine whether B2B companies were getting maximum value from their investment in marketing automation.  The conclusion: most B2B companies were failing to follow even the most basic lead management best practices, even in areas that one would assume were a… Read More

third-party intent data

Do You Want Intent Data with That?

If you could layer third-party intent data into every lead gen program you run, would you do it?  In other words, would you only ever want marketing leads from prospects pre-determined to be actively researching your category, solution, use case, etc.?  My argument: no, you wouldn’t.  I was part of… Read More

leads don't convert

4 Solutions to Consider When Marketing Leads Don’t Convert

If your organization is generating plenty of leads but those initial inquiries aren’t converting to sales qualified leads, meetings, or pipeline, a myriad of things could be at fault: 1) sales follow-up may be sub-standard in either cadence, frequency, or message 2) lead nurturing may not be doing enough to… Read More