Category Archives: Content Development

B2B content consumption

New Report: Key Trends in B2B Content Consumption

The lead generation experts at NetLine just released their “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption & Demand Report,” a meaty 38-page guide based on data from more than 6 million content registrations.  Here are the findings that stand out as potentially having the most significance for demand marketers: According to… Read More

survey reports

Why Survey Reports Should be Part of Your Content Plan

At a time when marketing budgets are tightening, surveys and survey reports represent some of the most compelling and cost-effective content a B2B marketer can produce.  Why?  Because a well-crafted survey does all this and more: * builds thought leadership for your brand and helps establish your company as subject… Read More

partner recruitment

The 2 Most Common Mistakes in Partner Recruitment Campaigns

Like many B2B marketing agencies, even though we’re a professional services business and don’t sell or re-sell technology, our firm gets marketed to regularly by companies looking to recruit us as a channel partner. Most of these pitches inevitably revolve around the functionality of the product or solution in question… Read More

MDF funds

MDF Funds & How to Use Them

In uncertain economic times, Market Development Funds (MDF) can be a precious resource for channel partners (resellers, distributors, ISVs) looking for budget to fund sales and marketing activity.  Yet industry surveys report that as much as 60 percent of available MDF funds go unused.  By some measures, that may add… Read More

challenging times

How to Approach Demand Gen in Challenging Times

The US business climate is being shaken by events at home and abroad, and (as I write this) no-one knows with certainty – on top of the risk and strain caused by a global pandemic – whether an economic downturn is imminent, or how severe it might be, and for… Read More

B2B Content Preferences

8 Key Takeaways from New Survey on B2B Content Preferences

The team at Demand Gen Report just released their 2018 Content Preferences Survey Report (free download, registration required), yielding fresh insights – and a few surprises – on the types of content today’s B2B buyers prefer, and why.  The report is a useful resource for B2B marketers planning content development… Read More

marketing content

People Don’t Read Your White Papers. Who Cares?

New marketing technologies like Uberflip make it increasingly easy to track content consumption beyond just clicks and downloads.  This functionality not only generates additional insights for marketers as to just how much of their content prospects are actually reading, but also enables more sophisticated lead qualification methods, for example: granting… Read More