Check out another great article from DemandGen Report (and not just because I’m quoted) on how B2B marketers should adapt their demand generation strategy to the new economic climate. Key takeaways: * Focus media strategy on finding the people who are buying now * Craft offers that mitigate risk for… Read More
Category Archives: Demand Generation
2 Mistakes that Cause Content Syndication to Fail
Many times in this space I’ve talked about the virtues of content syndication as a low risk way for companies to generate a consistent stream of low cost, in-profile leads. However, when we introduce the topic to potential clients we very often hear comments such as: “We tried it, but… Read More
Increasing Referrals from Clients & Prospects
In an economic climate when qualified sales leads are harder and harder to come by, your best source of new business is often the people who already know you: clients, partners, and even existing prospects. Referrals can be especially fertile ground for SaaS companies and other tech vendors whose fortunes… Read More
Increasing the Effectiveness of Inside Sales
When I worked at Oracle in the late 80s (sigh), the company was one of the pioneers in the use of telesales for selling high-ticket software, on a large scale, over the telephone. Sally Duby was one of the key executives in that organization’s early success, and is now president… Read More
Should You Require Registration for Web Content?
Should you require registration in order for Website visitors to download white papers and other content? And if so, how much information should you require? Perform a random survey of high-tech company Websites, and you’ll discover very quickly that there are widely varying schools of thought on this topic. Some… Read More
Brand vs. Direct: Who Wins?
Anne Holland of Marketing Sherpa, someone for whom I have a great deal of respect, says brand should win, every time: My response to Anne: “Brand should always win …”? As a dyed-in-the-wool A/B tester, I respectfully say: absolutely not. What’s the purpose of an effective brand if not to… Read More
Social Media & B2B Demand Generation
At CDI, a question we get asked often these days is: What are you doing in social media? Perhaps a better question might be: What do social media have to do with demand generation? The answer is: plenty, but perhaps not in the way you’d think. As a most basic… Read More