Category Archives: Demand Generation

18 Common Features of a Best-in-Class Lead Nurture Program

It wasn’t that long ago, when marketing automation first burst on the scene, that the height of lead nurture sophistication was the simple, automated sending of multiple, sequential emails. Today, advances in marketing technology make such “automation” seem laughably basic. Modern, best-in-class lead nurture programs focus less on automation, and… Read More

10 Things to Do When Marketing Spend is On Hold

There’s plenty of debate online about the merits of marketing spend in a recession, but the reality is that many B2B firms are currently cutting back on large-scale investment.  If your company is one of those scaling back or even hitting “pause” on external spend, there are still plenty of… Read More

A Nurture Strategy for Content Syndication Leads

I posted recently on LinkedIn that, in the current climate, leads from content syndication and other CPL programs may be an ideal replacement for lost trade shows and other events, and indeed can be an effective way to stay engaged in the marketplace at a time when many buyers are… Read More

challenging times

How to Approach Demand Gen in Challenging Times

The US business climate is being shaken by events at home and abroad, and (as I write this) no-one knows with certainty – on top of the risk and strain caused by a global pandemic – whether an economic downturn is imminent, or how severe it might be, and for… Read More

demand gen predictions

6 B2B Demand Gen Predictions for 2020

The rate of change in B2B marketing and marketing technology continues to accelerate, and 2020 promises to be no different. I asked the best subject matter experts I know, my colleagues at Spear Marketing Group, what trends they think will highlight the next 12 months in B2B demand generation. Here’s… Read More