Category Archives: Demand Generation

third-party intent data

Do You Want Intent Data with That?

If you could layer third-party intent data into every lead gen program you run, would you do it?  In other words, would you only ever want marketing leads from prospects pre-determined to be actively researching your category, solution, use case, etc.?  My argument: no, you wouldn’t.  I was part of… Read More

leads don't convert

4 Solutions to Consider When Marketing Leads Don’t Convert

If your organization is generating plenty of leads but those initial inquiries aren’t converting to sales qualified leads, meetings, or pipeline, a myriad of things could be at fault: 1) sales follow-up may be sub-standard in either cadence, frequency, or message 2) lead nurturing may not be doing enough to… Read More

LinkedIn Advertising

8 Common LinkedIn Advertising Mistakes

In a remarkably short time, LinkedIn has grown to become a major player in B2B advertising (at about 20% of total industry spend, according to industry watchers), quickly rivaling search advertising on Google.  LinkedIn’s big advantage over its key competitor – and the reason it’s now cannibalizing so many marketing… Read More

Report: B2B Buyers Engaging Earlier with Sales

For the last decade or more, it’s been an accepted principle – almost a key tenet – of B2B demand generation that business buyers don’t want to talk to a sales rep until the last possible moment.  It’s why, for example, we marketers have assumed control for more and more… Read More

Marin Webinar Invitation

Why this Webinar Invitation Works

One of the real-life campaigns I included in my presentation last week – A Crash Course in B2B Email Creative – at SiriusDecisions Summit in Austin, was this Webinar invitation from Marin Software.  I’ve written often about the dismal state of B2B creative, so it’s good to see at least… Read More