Check out another great article from DemandGen Report (and not just because I’m quoted) on how B2B marketers should adapt their demand generation strategy to the new economic climate. Key takeaways: * Focus media strategy on finding the people who are buying now * Craft offers that mitigate risk for… Read More
Category Archives: direct marketing
Not Another Article About How to Market During a Recession
No, nothing of the sort. But let’s face it – times are tight, budgets are tighter, and companies we talk to are all looking for ways to make their marketing investment go further. Here then, are some recommendations for how and where to spend today’s demand generation dollars for greatest… Read More

SAP E-Mail Needs a Dose of “Operational Excellence”
A few weeks back I savaged a Webinar invitation from Oracle, so it seems only fair that I critique an e-mail recently received from one of Oracle’s main competitors, SAP. Oracle’s e-mail was ostensibly promoting an event; the SAP campaign is promoting … well, I’m not really sure. That’s because… Read More

Lipstick, Pigs & Lead Generation
There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately about putting cosmetics on farm animals. Naturally, this made me think of lead generation. No connection, you say? Consider this: Most lead generation campaigns are just internal strategy or positioning statements with some stock imagery added. These internal documents, meant… Read More
Brand vs. Direct: Who Wins?
Anne Holland of Marketing Sherpa, someone for whom I have a great deal of respect, says brand should win, every time: My response to Anne: “Brand should always win …”? As a dyed-in-the-wool A/B tester, I respectfully say: absolutely not. What’s the purpose of an effective brand if not to… Read More
New B2B Demand Generation Group on Facebook
Please join me on a new Facebook group dedicated to B2B Demand Generation. My primary motivation in starting the group is to spark discussion and exchange of best practices, news, trends, and strategies relating to demand generation – interchange that isn’t always possible in the context of a blog. Plus… Read More

Personalizing Your Direct Mail: 6 Tips
You spent countless hours in copy and design and review cycles crafting the perfect direct mail piece. Yet the finished product looks like junk mail, and your response rate suffers accordingly. Why? Most likely the culprit is the lettershop – more specifically, the way your direct mail piece was personalized…. Read More