Category Archives: email creative

Marin Webinar Invitation

Why this Webinar Invitation Works

One of the real-life campaigns I included in my presentation last week – A Crash Course in B2B Email Creative – at SiriusDecisions Summit in Austin, was this Webinar invitation from Marin Software.  I’ve written often about the dismal state of B2B creative, so it’s good to see at least… Read More

Trends in B2B Email: ABM, Deliverability & Integrated Campaigns

Recently I was interviewed by the folks at Demand Gen Report as part of an article on current trends in email marketing, an article that you can read online here.  With permission, a more complete version of the interview follows: (DGR) What trends are you currently seeing in B2B email… Read More

B2B Creative

Why is No-One Talking About B2B Creative?

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the B2B Marketing Exchange (B2BMX) conference on the topic of B2B email creative.  At a conference of more than sixty sessions (by my count), as best I could determine there was exactly one (1) session on anything to do with creative:… Read More

email landing pages

Should You Use the Same Landing Page for Email and Online Ads?

A client asks: “Can I use the landing page from an email campaign for online ads, say: search or LinkedIn, if it’s promoting the same asset?” My response: In short: no.  There’s an appeal to the economies of using one landing page across multiple channels, but the requirements are very… Read More

B2B email creative

The Dismal State of B2B Email Creative

I review B2B email campaigns regularly in this space, and though I’m not one to be sparing in my opinions, I do try to be conscious of the type and size of company responsible for the campaign, with the thought, I suppose, that some marketers just may not know better…. Read More