Category Archives: lead generation

A Nurture Strategy for Content Syndication Leads

I posted recently on LinkedIn that, in the current climate, leads from content syndication and other CPL programs may be an ideal replacement for lost trade shows and other events, and indeed can be an effective way to stay engaged in the marketplace at a time when many buyers are… Read More

LinkedIn Advertising

8 Common LinkedIn Advertising Mistakes

In a remarkably short time, LinkedIn has grown to become a major player in B2B advertising (at about 20% of total industry spend, according to industry watchers), quickly rivaling search advertising on Google.  LinkedIn’s big advantage over its key competitor – and the reason it’s now cannibalizing so many marketing… Read More

demand creation agencies

Infographic: SiriusDecisions on How to Evaluate Demand Creation Agencies

Just as B2B marketing has evolved rapidly in the last decade, so too have the marketing agencies who service those B2B companies.  In particular, a new breed of agency focused on demand generation (or demand creation) has emerged – these firms tend to be part strategic consultants, part creative agency,… Read More

high bar offers

High Bar Offers: Why Your Campaign May Be Asking Too Much

In the demand generation business, we often talk about “low bar” and “high bar” offers.  The bar in either case is the level of time, effort, and commitment required of the prospect or person registering for said offer.  So, for example, on a spectrum from low to high: * a… Read More

email landing pages

Should You Use the Same Landing Page for Email and Online Ads?

A client asks: “Can I use the landing page from an email campaign for online ads, say: search or LinkedIn, if it’s promoting the same asset?” My response: In short: no.  There’s an appeal to the economies of using one landing page across multiple channels, but the requirements are very… Read More

competitive campaign

Tips for a Successful Competitive Campaign

It’s a perennial fixture in any marketer’s calendar that, every so often, the boss will decide that it’s time to drop the proverbial gloves and go after the competition. There are many, legitimate reasons for why it may make sense to mount a concerted, integrated campaign to target a competitor’s… Read More