Tag Archives: b2b buying cycle

Report: B2B Buyers Engaging Earlier with Sales

For the last decade or more, it’s been an accepted principle – almost a key tenet – of B2B demand generation that business buyers don’t want to talk to a sales rep until the last possible moment.  It’s why, for example, we marketers have assumed control for more and more… Read More

B2B Buyers Survey

Shifts in B2B Buyer Behavior Support New Priorities for Demand Gen Content

Demand Gen Report has published the results of this year’s “B2B Buyer’s Survey,” and the trends identified merit close attention for those marketers involved in B2B demand generation and content development. This year’s report (download a copy here – registration required) is striking in the degree and pace of change… Read More

B2B customer journey

Quit Obsessing About the Customer Journey

These days it seems to me that you can’t read a marketing blog, attend a marketing conference, listen to a marketing podcast, without hearing someone drone on about the customer journey. Suddenly, we are led to believe, the customer journey is all that matters. Lead nurturing, for example, must now… Read More