Tag Archives: b2b content marketing

B2B content consumption

New Report: Key Trends in B2B Content Consumption

The lead generation experts at NetLine just released their “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption & Demand Report,” a meaty 38-page guide based on data from more than 6 million content registrations.  Here are the findings that stand out as potentially having the most significance for demand marketers: According to… Read More

gated content

In Defense of Gated Content

According to the blogosphere, and based on conversations with clients, there appears to be a movement afoot to free marketing content from the shackles of registration forms and offer everything from white papers to Webinars ungated. Arguments from those who oppose gated content vary, but typically are variations of the… Read More

The Risks of Over-Reliance on Late-Stage Content

Whatever demand gen channels you use to generate marketing leads, there’s value in always promoting a mix of content and other offers that span the entire buying cycle: early-stage, mid-stage, and late-stage.  That’s not simply because prospective customers will engage more readily with content that better aligns with whether they’re… Read More

B2B Content Preferences

8 Key Takeaways from New Survey on B2B Content Preferences

The team at Demand Gen Report just released their 2018 Content Preferences Survey Report (free download, registration required), yielding fresh insights – and a few surprises – on the types of content today’s B2B buyers prefer, and why.  The report is a useful resource for B2B marketers planning content development… Read More

analyst reports

How to Market an Analyst Report

Technology marketers love analyst reports.  Sure, they’re expensive to license, but they’re instant fodder for all sorts of content marketing, they bring credibility and name recognition to a campaign, and – bonus – they say nice things about your product. However, in my experience, most tech companies don’t know how… Read More

marketing content

People Don’t Read Your White Papers. Who Cares?

New marketing technologies like Uberflip make it increasingly easy to track content consumption beyond just clicks and downloads.  This functionality not only generates additional insights for marketers as to just how much of their content prospects are actually reading, but also enables more sophisticated lead qualification methods, for example: granting… Read More

Brand Olympics

Origami Logic Scores Gold with “Brand Olympics” Campaign

Origami Logic is a marketing analytics company and a global leader in marketing performance measurement. The company’s technology helps large brands master their marketing performance by unifying and refining their vast array of marketing data, across every channel and platform, so they can see what’s working and what’s not. During… Read More