Tag Archives: b2b demand generation

Q4 Marketing Budget: 4 Key Areas to Consider

In B2B circles, Q4 is historically a time of year when marketing spend picks up. Sales teams need the push to meet year-end numbers, whilst at other companies, spending marketing dollars in Q4 is simply a matter of “use it or lose it.” Even with the recession now officially over,… Read More

5 Ways To Incorporate Direct Mail Into Your Marketing Mix

Pop Quiz! Direct Mail is: a) more expensive than email b) quaintly old-fashioned c) regaining popularity in B2B circles d) often overlooked as an effective way to reach customers and prospects. Answer: (e) all of the above. Yet many B2B marketers continue to be allergic to the idea of using… Read More

New White Paper: Top 10 Tips for Lead Nurturing Success

Just getting started with lead nurturing? Recently invested in marketing automation software? Concerned that your lead nurturing program isn’t everything it should be? Great lead nurturing starts with more than just software. Learn more in Spear’s newest white paper: “Top 10 Tips For Lead Nurturing Success: How to Get the… Read More

10 Questions: Do You Need Marketing Automation?

A couple of weeks ago our firm prepared a detailed ROI analysis for a client helping them substantiate to their management the investment in a marketing automation platform. In this particular instance, the numbers were relatively clear-cut. Fortunately, and to the client’s credit, they had firm metrics for each stage… Read More

Blog Makeover Nets Sales Leads for Software Company

How do you reinvent a company blog in a way that does more than simply provide a platform for thought leadership? That was the challenge faced by Navicure, a leading Internet-based medical claims clearinghouse in Atlanta that helps medical practices increase profitability. Like many companies, Navicure’s corporate blog had evolved… Read More

A Simple Technique for Reducing Bounces & Unsubscribes

It used to be said that the average US business mailing address (snail mail) changes once every 9 months. (That’s individuals moving, not companies.) Fast-forward to today’s highly mobile workforce, where people change jobs like the proverbial underwear, throw in a volatile economy, and more than one-third of the email… Read More

Book Review: Essential Marketing Automation Handbook

This is a very belated review of a book that has been in my reading pile since December 09. But I’m glad I found the time. Published by the folks at marketing automation software company Genius.com, and authored by respected consultant, author, and blogger Ardath Albee, this is a valuable… Read More