Tag Archives: B2B email

A B2B Email Pre-Flight Checklist

Earlier this month I presented a standing-room only session at the B2BMX Conference in Scottsdale on key principles of B2B email creative. Part of that presentation was a “B2B Email Pre-Flight Checklist” – a list of questions an email marketer should ask, prior to pressing “send,” to ensure that a… Read More

Trends in B2B Email: ABM, Deliverability & Integrated Campaigns

Recently I was interviewed by the folks at Demand Gen Report as part of an article on current trends in email marketing, an article that you can read online here.  With permission, a more complete version of the interview follows: (DGR) What trends are you currently seeing in B2B email… Read More

Virgin America Email

Recapturing Lost Leads: Going After Form Abandoners

What to do if a prospect comes to your landing page, starts to fill out the form, but doesn’t complete the task? Form abandonment and cart abandonment campaigns are standard practice for B2C and ecommerce marketers, less so for those of us B2B types who deal in leads vs. transactions…. Read More

B2B email campaign

Winning B2B Email Campaign Keeps it Simple

In B2B email marketing, does short copy always win over long? Not necessarily. The answer depends on your audience, the complexity of your message, and how well the copy maintains the reader’s interest and drives action. You won’t see or find many shorter B2B emails than the one below from… Read More