Tag Archives: marketing automation best practices

12 Tips for Keeping Your Marketing Automation System Clean

Marketing operations managers tend to come and go (average tenure mirrors other B2B marketing roles at 2-4 years, especially in tech) and that transitory nature means that it’s more difficult – and less common – for companies to adopt a strategic, long-term vision for their marketing automation system.  One of… Read More

marketing automation

Why Is Marketing Automation Maturity Still Woeful?

Almost 5 years ago, our agency conducted a survey to determine whether B2B companies were getting maximum value from their investment in marketing automation.  The conclusion: most B2B companies were failing to follow even the most basic lead management best practices, even in areas that one would assume were a… Read More

embedded forms

Hosted Landing Pages vs. Embedded Forms

A client asks: “Should we be hosting our campaign landing pages in Marketo?  We’ve always hosted them on our main site and simply embedded Marketo forms.  Is there a big advantage to hosting them separately?” This question comes up all the time in client work, and not just with Marketo… Read More

State of Marketing Automation

Report: 19 Experts on the State of Marketing Automation

Demand Generation Report just published their 2018 Outlook Guide: The State of Marketing Automation.  The guide features insights, projections, and opinions on current challenges, opportunities, and trends from 19 B2B marketing experts and practitioners, including leading executives from Marketo, Oracle, SiriusDecisions, and Forrester Research. I was honored to be invited… Read More

marketing automation maturity

Infographic: The State of Marketing Automation Maturity

Are most B2B companies getting maximum value from their investment in marketing automation? A recent industry survey by Spear Marketing Group suggests: no. As the infographic below illustrates, results from the survey suggest that, while the typical marketing automation user makes full use of some functionality, many more are failing… Read More

marketing automation maturity

Survey: Marketing Automation Users Score a “C” in Maturity

Spear Marketing Group has published an informative report detailing results of a survey designed to gauge the maturity of marketing automation deployments within the B2B community. The survey asked marketing operations managers and other B2B marketing executives to rank their current deployment of marketing automation software in 33 separate categories… Read More

marketing automation

Are Agencies the Future of Marketing Automation?

I was intrigued to read a recent post by David Raab, a leading analyst in the marketing automation space, on his blog, “Customer Experience Matrix,” in which he writes about the role that agencies play in the sale and management of marketing automation systems (bold emphasis mine): “It seems that… Read More