Tag Archives: marketo

Forget About Hot Leads. It’s Cold Leads that Make the Difference.

When sales teams need marketing to help them make their numbers, the natural response is to go fishing for hot leads. However, as I wrote previously in a white paper on “Lead Recycling,” focusing demand generation activity exclusively on acquiring net new, qualified leads is an expensive proposition for a… Read More

Segmentation, Social Media Drive Lead Nurturing Success for iDirect

When marketers embark on a formal lead nurturing strategy, opportunities for process improvement can arise in unexpected ways. That was the experience for iDirect, a leading provider of satellite IP communications based in Herndon, Virginia. Using satellite technology for internet connectivity has particular appeal for companies with operations in remote,… Read More

Marketing Automation: What Is It & Why Do I Care? (Webinar)

Do you feign understanding when your CEO talks about “sales and marketing alignment”? Unclear on the difference between lead management and revenue cycle management? Horrified at the responsibility of investigating marketing automation solutions for your company? In a recent study, Marketing Sherpa reported that 54 percent of CMOs have either… Read More

Lead Generation Losing Out to Social Media? Not So Much.

A recent industry study on Lead Management Optimization, conducted by CSO Insights and conducted in partnership with SMEI and Marketo, sheds insight on the relative budget marketing organizations are investing in areas such as lead nurturing, social media, and lead generation. Amongst its findings: • Overwhelmingly, the #1 marketing objective… Read More

Marketo Email Campaign Keeps It Short & Sweet

A client confessed recently that one of the reasons his company selected Marketo as a marketing automation provider was because he was so impressed by their marketing. His logic (presumably): if a technology provider is promising to help improve our marketing effectiveness, shouldn’t their own marketing reflect those same high… Read More

Dialogue Marketing: A Conversation with Maria Pergolino

Late last year at the Dreamforce conference in San Francisco I was fortunate enough to chat with Maria Pergolino, Marketing Director at Marketo (and renowned Content Marketing Queen.) In an engaging 15-minute discussion, we touched upon topics including: • striking the balance between demand generation and lead nurturing • how… Read More

21 Tips & Other Impressions from the Marketo User Summit

Earlier this week, Marketo, the marketing automation company, held its second ever user conference in San Francisco. As a Marketo agency partner, I attended along with colleagues from Spear Marketing Group to greet clients, talk shop, and hear how other companies – including Marketo themselves – are putting technology to… Read More