Category Archives: B2B Marketing

Inside Sales & Lead Nurturing

Why is Inside Sales So Scared of Lead Nurturing?

Recent studies tell us that while the adoption of marketing automation technology continues to gain momentum, fewer than 20 percent of marketing executives say that they are fully integrating the technology into their current sales and marketing initiatives. One of the reasons for this under-utilization, and the inability of some… Read More

unsolicited email

In Defense of Unsolicited Email

Over at marketing automation firm Marketo, CEO Phil Fernandez just wrote a full-throated rant against the evils of unsolicited email and purchased email lists used indiscriminately: “How does anyone think that these are sensible emails to send to the CEO of a fast-growing public company? Do they really think that… Read More

marketing reality check

Give Your Next Demand Gen Campaign A Reality Check

We’ve all been there. The copy is winding its way through the marketing group and is now on its fourth revision. The CEO didn’t like the photo at the top of the email so it’s back to the drawing board, design-wise. The marcom director wants to change the headline so… Read More

[24]7 Email Campaign_Before

Campaign Makeover: Simple Changes Increase Email Response by 25 Percent

I received an email recently from Kevin Payne, Senior Director of Field Marketing at customer service software provider [24]7. Kevin writes: “Below is one of our most successful email campaigns. We’re getting ready for a second broadcast and after reading one of your recent blog posts, I can already think… Read More