Category Archives: B2B Marketing

3 Crucial Tips for Promoting Live Product Demos

Let’s face it; a live product demo is a tough sell. As an unvarnished display of your product’s capabilities, a product demo is only ever going to appeal to prospects at the latter stages of the selling cycle. So how do you make sure that a demo attracts those critical… Read More

Converting Trial & Freemium Users: Keep Selling Post-Trial

Lead nurturing programs designed to convert trial users tend to focus, as they should, on the very front end of the trial period, when it’s critical to make sure the user is fully engaged with the product being tested. However, that doesn’t mean that your nurturing program should end just… Read More

Does Your Email Campaign Make a Case for Action?

If there’s one key element of demand generation copy that distinguishes it most from, let’s say: product collateral, or PR, or even social media, it’s this: a demand generation campaign is designed to drive action. In more basic terms, demand generation is about getting people to do stuff – namely,… Read More

Pearlfinders Index Offers Insight Into Marketing Execs’ Plans for 2H 2012

Each quarter, the analysts at UK-based Pearlfinders report on the buying intentions of more than 4,000 North American marketing executives. In their most recent report, the Pearlfinders Index Q2 2012 (free download, no registration required), the company offers detailed insight on trends and patterns across a wide spectrum of marketing… Read More

5 Simple Ways to Take Your Lead Nurturing Program to the Next Level

We need to talk. You know that monthly newsletter you blast to your entire database under the guise of “lead nurturing”? And those Webinar invitations that you broadcast to every trade show lead you’ve generated since 2005? You can do a lot better. There was a time when lead nurturing… Read More

What Lead Filters Should I Request For My PPL Campaign?

A client asks: “I know I can filter our Pay-Per-Lead (content syndication) leads on geography and company size. What if I want to filter to specific regions or states? Can I also limit leads to certain job titles?” My response: To best answer the question, let’s discuss what lead filters… Read More