Category Archives: B2B Marketing

Increasing Referrals from Clients & Prospects

In an economic climate when qualified sales leads are harder and harder to come by, your best source of new business is often the people who already know you: clients, partners, and even existing prospects. Referrals can be especially fertile ground for SaaS companies and other tech vendors whose fortunes… Read More

SoftwareCEO On Surviving The Marketing Budget Crunch

You’re not the only one to notice a sudden flurry of articles and Web content on “how to market during a recession.” Fortunately, Gordon Graham at SoftwareCEO (where I help moderate the Marketing & PR forum) has compiled some of the most compelling tips out there for how to make… Read More

RSS Gains Traction as B2B Marketing Tool

Check out this interesting recent article, “Success Metrics Evolve with RSS,” from the September 15 issue of BtoB Magazine, discussing the continuing evolution of RSS as a B2B marketing tool. Topics covered include: * recent industry developments, including (notably) Google’s integration of RSS feeds into its AdSense advertising tool *… Read More

Should You Require Registration for Web Content?

Should you require registration in order for Website visitors to download white papers and other content? And if so, how much information should you require? Perform a random survey of high-tech company Websites, and you’ll discover very quickly that there are widely varying schools of thought on this topic. Some… Read More

11 Questions to Help Evaluate Your Demand Generation Plan

Jon Miller at Marketo wrote an interesting post (“Demand Generation Quiz: How Good Are You?”) for his blog this week that featured 14 questions designed to help determine whether a company is ripe for marketing automation. There’s some great material here, particularly for marketers trying to build a business case… Read More

Oracle Webinar Invitation Needs More Detail, Less Fluff

Most of the discussion these days on how to improve e-mail response centers on technical issues such as deliverability, spam filters, and readability on mobile e-mail clients. It’s easy to forget, therefore, that the true keys to e-mail success are often none of the above, but rather more old-fashioned principles… Read More

Brand vs. Direct: Who Wins?

Anne Holland of Marketing Sherpa, someone for whom I have a great deal of respect, says brand should win, every time: My response to Anne: “Brand should always win …”? As a dyed-in-the-wool A/B tester, I respectfully say: absolutely not. What’s the purpose of an effective brand if not to… Read More