Category Archives: Direct Marketing Agencies

remote work

30 Tips for Work-at-Home Marketers

This month there are, very suddenly, thousands, if not millions of marketing professionals working from home, every day, for the first time.  If you’re one of those marketers, your company may or may not have the ready infrastructure or culture that supports remote work.  And you also may not be… Read More

demand creation agencies

Infographic: SiriusDecisions on How to Evaluate Demand Creation Agencies

Just as B2B marketing has evolved rapidly in the last decade, so too have the marketing agencies who service those B2B companies.  In particular, a new breed of agency focused on demand generation (or demand creation) has emerged – these firms tend to be part strategic consultants, part creative agency,… Read More

marketing agency references

Stop Asking Your Marketing Agency for Client References

First, a confession:  I hate providing references.  As one of the principals at a B2B marketing agency, I get asked for them frequently (though not always) by prospective new clients and, quite aside from the hassle of selecting (who have we not asked recently?), contacting, and requesting permission from the… Read More

outsource marketing

When & Where Should B2B Companies Outsource Marketing?

The following is an excerpt from an interview I conducted recently with the folks at TechnologyAdvice, a leading online provider of information resources to help IT professionals make informed buying decisions. For the complete interview, see the TechnologyAdvice marketing blog. Reposted with permission. (TA) Marketers tend to think of outsourcing… Read More

Data Content Creative

Does Creative Still Matter in B2B Marketing?

At Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit last month in San Francisco, there was much talk about the shifting function of marketing towards a more strategic, data-driven role within the modern corporation. You see similar sentiments echoed throughout the marketing press. Marketers are no longer the “arts and crafts” people, we’re told…. Read More

Don Draper

Is Technology Making Marketing Agencies Obsolete?

Over at the IDC Technology Marketing Blog, analyst Sam Melnick posted an article recently with the intriguing title: “Are Ad Agencies Keeping Pace with the Marketing’s (sic) Massive Digital Uptake? (Hint: Maybe Not)” Melnick posits his question largely on the basis of IDC research that shows the rate of growth… Read More