Category Archives: Lead Management

8 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Marketing Attribution

[Thanks to Anne Angele, Spear’s esteemed Director of Marketing Technology, for this month’s guest post.] Marketing attribution is a hot topic these days in B2B circles.  Yet, for all the interest, precious few B2B companies achieve the holy grail of knowing exactly how – and where – their marketing investment… Read More

SDR engagement

Tips for Increasing SDR Engagement Rates

Some years ago, our firm conducted a lead management audit for a technology client who was struggling to convert raw, inbound inquiries into sales qualified leads.  During the audit, it became quickly apparent that one of the major issues was at the very front end of the lead qualification process…. Read More

lead nurturing report

Report: One-Third of Marketers Say Lead Nurturing Has No Impact

The analysts at Demand Gen Report just published their “2018 Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Survey Report” and one conclusion is no surprise: many B2B companies are still really bad at lead nurturing. It’s not just that 44% of respondents said that their lead nurturing “needs improvement.”  No, even more alarming… Read More

Marketing Best Practices

Forrester: B2B Companies Score Low in Marketing Best Practices

Earlier this year, Forrester Research conducted a detailed survey of more than 150 B2B marketing decision-makers with the intent of benchmarking the maturity of B2B marketing best practices, focused on revenue marketing and marketing automation. At face value, the results, due to be published in a report this June, paint… Read More

Demand Waterfall

The Changing Role of the Demand Waterfall: A Conversation with Terry Flaherty

Terry Flaherty is a Research Director at SiriusDecisions, a B2B marketing veteran, and a respected expert on Demand Generation (or Demand Creation, as SiriusDecisions prefers to call it.) He’s also the acknowledged godfather of the SiriusDecisions Demand Waterfall®, which makes him the person to blame every time your manager asks… Read More

lead nurturing inside sales

Which Comes First: Lead Nurturing or Inside Sales?

For a long time, “lead nurturing” was thought of as something you did with the leads that sales didn’t want. The theory was: leads come in, the sales team gets the hot ones, and the rest go to lead nurturing. Today, of course, a comprehensive lead nurturing strategy is much… Read More