Category Archives: Lead Nurturing

Think Your Inside Sales Team Has it Covered? Think Again.

I’ve made the case previously in this space how one of the easiest way to gain a quick return from any investment in marketing automation is to apply the technology towards more efficient and systematic follow-up to inbound leads. And yet, I’m finding in the course of our firm’s work… Read More

Lead Scores Too High? Maybe They Need An Expiration Date.

In the early stages of a recent client engagement, it became apparent that the schema already in place to determine and assign lead scores was, well: broken. The most glaring symptom was the absurdly high scores: hundreds of contacts had lead scores of more than 1,000, even though the supposed… Read More

Key to Marketing Automation Success: Process First, then Campaigns

In a phone call this week I was swapping war stories with a well-known sales and marketing consultant, who, like us, works with B2B companies to improve their return on marketing automation. Interestingly, our experiences in the rapidly evolving marketing automation category were quite common, especially in one area: A… Read More

5 Best Practices You Can Borrow From This Email Campaign

There’s a lot to like about the email campaign I received (image below) recently from Infusionsoft, a maker of sales and marketing automation software for small businesses. It’s not perfect by any stretch (the copy could use some improvement – more on that later) but many of the techniques on… Read More

Email Lists: Should You Rent or Buy?

It was only a few years ago that I would have told any client who asked (and many did) that it was never a good idea to purchase an email list, and that moreover, any list of email addresses that was available for purchase was by definition compiled through nefarious… Read More

MIX Newsletter Redesign - After

How to Revive a Dying E-Newsletter: 4 Tips

The demise of email newsletters as an effective B2B marketing tactic has been, to paraphrase Mr. Twain, grossly exaggerated. In fact, email newsletters can be a critical part of an ongoing lead nurturing strategy. At minimum, a well-crafted newsletter serves to break up what would otherwise be an unending sequence… Read More

DMA Webinar: Top 10 Tips for Lead Nurturing Success

In an exclusive online event, discover how to get the most from your lead nurturing program, and how to plan for success if you’re just getting started. Join me on Wednesday, December 7 as I present a Webinar on “Top 10 Tips for Lead Nurturing Success,” hosted by the Direct… Read More