Category Archives: Lead Nurturing

Mix Up Offer Content to Keep Nurturing Prospects Engaged

In a recent article (member access only), Marketing Sherpa offers up some intriguing research into how prospective tech buyers view email offer content, and how those views can differ dramatically from common assumptions held by marketers. The conclusions drawn in the article hold particular relevance for marketers engaged in lead… Read More

Lead Nurturing & the 80/20 Rule

A couple of months ago, in a respected marketing Webzine, there appeared a case study detailing a software company that had gone to impressive lengths to make the most of their investment in marketing automation. The lead nurturing program they implemented included 40+ (yes, forty) separate and distinct tracks of… Read More

Tempted to Do Away With Registration Forms? Think Again.

A client asks: “Now that we have our marketing automation system in place, is it really necessary to use registration forms in our lead nurturing (follow-up) campaigns? After all, we already know who these people are, correct? If we offer them direct access to the content assets, we can still… Read More

Are Social Links the Answer to Lagging Email Response?

Email marketing and marketing automation provider Silverpop just released a timely white paper (registration required) that gives new hope to B2B marketers looking for creative ways to increase response from email campaigns. In “Emails Gone Viral: Measuring “Share to Social” Performance”, Silverpop provides compelling data that suggests adding social links… Read More

Is Social Media Wasted on PR Agencies?

First, let’s get this out of the way: I know some very smart people in the PR field. Yes, some of my best friends are PR people. But good grief. I’m ready to conclude that many PR agencies don’t really get it when it comes to social media. Either that,… Read More

TechValidate: Marketing Content that Writes Itself

What single hurdle keeps B2B marketers from achieving the best possible results from inbound marketing, social media, and lead nurturing? It’s content. (Or rather, it’s LACK of content.) Without a consistent stream of compelling, original, relevant information to offer, landing pages fail to convert visitors to leads, blogs wither, and… Read More