Category Archives: Social Media

Great New Resource for B2B Marketers – B2B Marketing Zone

Here’s a new site to head for when you’re looking for the latest insight, news, or tips on B2B Marketing. B2B Marketing Zone was launched earlier this month by a pair of Web entrepreneurs, Tony Karrer (BrowseMyStuff) and Tom Pick (WebMarketCentral). B2B Marketing Zone is designed to be a one-stop… Read More

A Simple, No Cost Viral Marketing Technique

How many business emails do you send in a day? Dozens? Hundreds? Now multiply that by the number of people in your company. The number of contacts that your company’s employees correspond with every day dwarfs the number of friends or connections they may have on social networking sites like… Read More

Friend Me? No Thanks.

Companies are tying themselves in knots trying to figure out how to best leverage Facebook for driving customer engagement. The core obstacle, of course, is that Facebook is ultimately a network designed for connecting friends, not customers. Here’s an example of one organization, a credit union, trying their darndest to… Read More

Increasing Referrals from Clients & Prospects

In an economic climate when qualified sales leads are harder and harder to come by, your best source of new business is often the people who already know you: clients, partners, and even existing prospects. Referrals can be especially fertile ground for SaaS companies and other tech vendors whose fortunes… Read More

RSS Gains Traction as B2B Marketing Tool

Check out this interesting recent article, “Success Metrics Evolve with RSS,” from the September 15 issue of BtoB Magazine, discussing the continuing evolution of RSS as a B2B marketing tool. Topics covered include: * recent industry developments, including (notably) Google’s integration of RSS feeds into its AdSense advertising tool *… Read More

Social Media & B2B Demand Generation

At CDI, a question we get asked often these days is: What are you doing in social media? Perhaps a better question might be: What do social media have to do with demand generation? The answer is: plenty, but perhaps not in the way you’d think. As a most basic… Read More